Re-center yourself w/ this FREE 15-minute Grounding Breathwork  


So glad you’re here.

I’m a Transformational Coach and Breathwork Guide to mission driven humans who want make the world a more beautiful place and have a great time doing it.

I delight in supporting my clients get free from the inner blocks holding them back from their next level, so they have the power to create a life filled with extraordinary purpose, pleasure and impact. 

I may not personally know you yet, but I know this: You’re here for depth, connection, joy & aliveness. 

You’re ready to liberate old patterns keeping you at arms distance from the glorious life you came here to experience -- all while making the world more beautiful through your unique gifts.

As someone who’s experienced decades of shame and self-loathing after being the driver of a deadly car accident, I have a unique understanding of what it means to turn pain, unworthiness and chronic anxiety into radical acceptance and audacious self expression. And every step of the way, expanding my capacity to create an extraordinary partnership with my beloved of 8+ years, while stepping into greater service and impact for both people and the planet.

I’m here to support you in embracing your radiant wholeness through a transformational and integrative, body centered framework so you can feel the day-to-day joy and fulfillment that comes from living a life thats truly aligned with your values. 

Because our world needs your unique expression as we co-create a thriving, regenerative, life-affirming planet for us all.

In service to your expansion!


 (pronounced: "ON-YAH")

1:1 Breathwork Program

Take your practice and healing journey even deeper with personalized one-on-one support


 6-month Integrative Coaching Program

 A 1:1, six-month transformational journey to your most integrated and expressed self 


Breathwork for Business, Festivals &  Retreats

Powerful group (in person or online) Breathwork Journeys 


"Working with Aine has been such a blessing. Breathwork itself is the most transformational healing one can experience, but Aine takes it to an even higher level. Her soothing voice is a guide that connects you to your soul. Thank you Aine for being such a gift and for being instrumental in my healing journey!"

Tina Marie