Hello friend. I'm Aine (pronounced ("On-yah"). My journey into the healing arts began in 2005 after a life-changing car accident.

I was 18 at the time, and took on a ton of shame and unworthiness from being the person behind the wheel when my best friend died.

On the outside I wore the “I’m great!” mask
, but underneath the pain was too much to face, so I: 

✔️ Numbed by getting "hot mess" drunk every weekend and smoking marijuana like it was a full time job 

✔️ Denied that I had any problems at all (I was always “fine”)

✔️ Secretly self-loathed and nitpicked every aspect of myself 

✔️ Became a bottomless pit of needing external validation to prove I was “good enough,” but inside felt a gnawing sense of unworthiness

✔️ Oscillated between an urgent "need" to be numbing and partying at all costs OR feeling extreme lethargy, often spending nights watching re-runs of “Sex and the City” in my bed while eating cheese and bean tamales

I tried talk therapy, mindset work, daily affirmations and positive thinking, but would soon revert back to my old habits. I knew I needed to FEEL it in my being (not just an intellectual understanding in my head). 

Breathwork and embodiment practices saved my life. For the first time in decades I felt like ME. I learned how to mother and hold even the most shameful parts of myself with compassion and see the innocence and wisdom these aspects of me carried without identifying them as "capital S" self -- because the truth is, our essence is SO much bigger than any one part. 


One breath at a time, I returned home to my body and started loving myself again.

And not just the pretty shiny parts, but the dark swampy parts too.

Now I can…

✔️ Process any emotional contraction and watch it turn to GOLD by expanding my capacity to experience heightened states of love and bliss on the other side.

✔️ Feel confident and liberated in expressing my truth vulnerably, while skillfully engaging in hard conversations (instead of running for the hills!).. and bonus - better sleep because of it.

✔️ Befriend my anxious inner-critic and know how to soothe her when I’m doing things outside of my comfort zone (basically anytime I’m creating and sharing something edgy/new!)

✔️ Feel a deeper love and reverence for my body, thoughts and emotions and that restless sense of unworthiness has turned into a faint whisper.

From this place of radical compassion and acceptance, ironically I became a MAGNET for my dream life. The quality of my community and friendships upleveled, my partnership with my boyfriend of 8+ years grew in ways that make me weep with gratitude, and my connection to all of life feels more rich and vibrant.

I want this for you too -- and am here to tell you that it is IS possible to reclaim your wholeness and create a joyful life that is authentically YOURS! 

We need practices and tools that help center us, that ground and remind us of our brilliance. 

We need loving guidance to gently peel away layers of painful programming, armor and masks so that we can uncover our deeper power.

I'm so passionate about helping people like you develop a new way of BEing that unlocks more bliss, open-heartedness, confidence and wholeness so you can embody your full potential every single day. 

You’ll be able to use any challenge or set-back as an opportunity to experience greater freedom. And when you live like this, you can literally create the life of your wildest dreams. 


Holding a clear mirror 

To lovingly guide you back home to your own body, your own truth and inner knowing. Sometimes it’s gentle and easeful and other times I will challenge you and lovingly invite you to examine potential blind spots, unconscious patterns and opportunities for growth that are directly related to your personal goals.

Your body carries ancient wisdom 

You are your greatest healer. Some part of you knows that. We’ll uncover your full body intelligence and healing capacity so you can thrive in every area of your life. 

You are not broken & do not need "fixing"

No matter what’s happened in the past, inside of you is a bright essence of goodness (your essential Self). Just like the sun, your essence might become temporarily obscured by the clouds (the innocent protective, critical, fearful or even violent parts we all have) but your true nature is always there underneath. 

Once these parts are held in safety and met with kindness, compassion and curiosity, they begin to speak, they begin to move and unburden from inside your heart, body and mind. 

You'll naturally shed old patterns and feel more confident stepping into your fuller power and potential. With less unconscious protection (looking at you inner saboteur 😉), you'll get to enjoy richer, more fulfilling relationships and freely paint on the wild canvas of your life.

And I’ll be with you every step of the way. 

It’s my greatest honor to support you along your path.

Certification & Training:

I honor my teachers, the lineage, and am deeply grateful for their wisdom and influence along my path. Thank you for lighting the way.

  • Inner Family Systems (IFS) - Richard Schwartz
  • Integrative (Transformational) Breathwork Facilitator - Jhenneviev Heartt 
  • Somatic Experiencing (SE) Trauma Resolution - Peter Levine
  • Body Intelligence + Conscious Relating Coach - The Hendricks Institute - Katie & Gay Hendricks
  • Energy Healing, Level 2, Academy of Intuition Medicine - Francesca Mcartney
  • Institute of Coaching Mastery (ICM)