"Working with Aine has been one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life's journey. Aine's transmission through the coaching and breathwork feels safe and gentle yet the work done in these spaces is at all levels of the body: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic. This allows the deepest and most profound sessions whereby. I have felt both transcended and fully in my body. This work has impacted how I interact with my daily life as well as expanded my ability to see beyond this dimension of time and space. I would recommend Aine's work wherever someone may be on their growth / life journey.” "

- Sara Czerwinski, Sex/Love/Relationship Coach

"I've done a lot of different modalities, and working with Aine has been the most impactful.found Aine after a painful breakup that left me feeling fragmented, insecure and out of alignment. I felt lost and was struggling with deeply held negative beliefs about myself. Aine helped me get back into my body, have more self-compassion and dig deep into the source of my limiting beliefs. I have a new understanding of what it means to accept and create space for the many parts of myself without judgement. She taught me how to ground, get clear on my goals and what’s important to me in the short and long-term, and cultivate joy and happiness in my life without the need for external validation. Aine is a gift. She embodies love, light and safety. I can’t recommend her highly enough. 

- Kelsey Fisher l Program Manager, Global Health 

"Connecting with my core self has been big for my vision of my work and personal life. I came to Aine feeling very paralyzed and didn’t know how to move forward. Over the past year in working with Aine, I’ve clarified countless solutions to problems and patterns in my life at a deeper level. I believe this deeper work is required to live a fulfilling life. The amount of transformation in my life with the guidance of Aine far outweighs any investment required."

Nikkos Savas. - Entrepreneur 

"Aine has provided me with some of the most profound healing experiences of my life. I've done a lot of transformational work, and breathwork with her is THE experience I tell often to people as having the most powerful impact on me in the least amount of time. Also, as someone who comes from a family that is very resistant to ingesting external substances, and as someone who has struggled with feeling comfortable surrendering to substances, I'm really happy that I've been able to access very similar results from just air and her voice!"

Miriam Isa | E! News TV Host, Writer, International Public Speaker, Life Coach

"I have a dozen plus years of therapy under my belt, have tried anti-anxiety medications, have consumed countless self-help books and explored many spiritual practices with little appreciable change to my baseline level of happiness. The ONLY thing that has worked is Aine's breathwork method. Like most workaholics, I tend to assign monumental importance to everything on my to-do list. On top of that, I put a lot of pressure on myself about all of the non-work areas of my life as well -- over time this has led me to create a very stressed out nervous system. From the moment I open my eyes in the morning until I finally put my head down at night there are multiple tracks of inner critics pushing my psyche and my long suffering adrenal glands to the limit. Before working with Aine, I believed that this is just the way that I am wired and that there was nothing to be done about it. Over the course of 6 months of working with Aine I have found the space to see the patterns and make changes that have been hugely transformative for me personally and professionally. I love the trajectory I am on now and have had friends and colleagues remark at the change they have seen in my demeanor."

Marcus Segal | CEO, ForeVR Games

"When I came to Aine, I couldn’t find the right motivation and was feeling pretty down. After our time together I felt completely transformed. I shed the negative thoughts haunting me, I cried and released some grief in my body, and I found a new sense of JOY with so much more energy and new insight. I highly recommend working with Aine."

Katherine Edwards | Yoga Teacher & Mindful Movement

"As a founder and a new mother in a pandemic, I'm frequently stressed and struggle with sleep. After a breathwork I feel so much more relaxed. I rarely sleep through the night, but after a breathwork session, I always wake up feeling refreshed."

Nathalie Walton | CEO & Co-Founder, Expectful

"Aine’s presence as a facilitator is calm, kind, and loving - helped me to feel safe to drop into the work we did together. To notice what came up, even if it was uncomfortable. I knew the container she created and held was big and sturdy enough to support me.  It gave me the emotional release I didn't know I needed. I grew up in a household where feelings weren't really discussed - and as an adult, I began to bottle things up. After working with Aine, I felt lighter, energized, and more connected to myself.

Andrew Urankar | Business Operations, Interior Design @ High Frontier Ranch

"I saw Nirvana and I just remember this sensation of serenity flowing through me. Such an incredible transmutation of fear and scarcity. I reclaimed my voice and know that whatever happened before, whatever pain I felt before, I don't have to play that loop anymore. Working with Aine reaffirmed so much for me. I am utterly filled with so much love, appreciation and wonder for myself and the collective."

Rachel Currie | Hypnotist

"I’ve done over 14 ayahuasca ceremonies and have not been able to access this level of healing before working with Aine and doing her breathwork. I can’t believe it. Thank you, thank you."

Lisa I.

"Working with Aine has been a real blessing. I've been battling anxiety and depression, but I'm coming out the other side with more strength and in such a small time frame that I'm just in awe of the process Aine guides as a whole. My life is at a major turning point and the amount of vulnerability and intimacy with myself is beyond words. A more vibrant experience of reality and a truly magnificent opening of my heart. Hidden layers are being revealed and a deepening of my sense of wonder and purpose continues to inspire me toward what’s next in my life."

Richard B.

"I’m an intellectual person and usually skeptical about this kind of stuff, but I promise Aine and her breathwork is the real deal. Trust me. I've been feeling numb and giving so much to others lately, and was finally able to find my center and get my mo-jo back. I can't thank you enough."

Heather Rafter | Attorney at Law

"I got to the point in my life where I didn't think genuine JOY was possible, and I found it again in breathwork. I was crying and laughing. I'm just so so so grateful. I tell everyone I know about breathwork. I want everyone to do breathwork!!"

Sarah W.

"I feel grounded, and a lot of energy was released from my body. And a message came through that I'm loved even when I'm scared."

Lisa F.

"I'm healing my childhood wounds. I can feel it. The energy in my body is so vibrational and the power is indescribable."

Andy Leventhal | GTM Leader

"I felt two deeper emotional experiences, a subtle shift and opening for deep grief and deep JOY to co-exist. I feel more whole, and am trusting myself at a deeper level."

Cyndy Stalmaster | Director of Engagement, UC San Diego

"That was actually unreal. The experience Aine creates was one of the few times I connected so immediately and directly with the benefits these tools can offer. Breathwork as one of many mindfulness tools has become particularly valuable to me in these times of rapidly changing work environments."

Peter Doro | Senior Solutions Consultant

"The lights were off in my room, but I felt sun and warmth. A light that came through and lit me up. I felt overwhelming peace. It’s been a rough week and finding that peace was just WOW."

Christpoher Bassil, MD | Obstetrics

"I’m having energetic body experiences. I felt blockages in my forehead release. I feel grateful to Aine and the space she creates for helping me move so much, and feel like I’m settling into more truth."

Andrew Thomas | Founder Coach & Startup Advisor

"Breathwork is so incredibly impactful as an ongoing practice. Not only a short term effect, but a long term effect on a nervous system level. It makes all the challenges of life move with more ease."

Melinda Service | International Product Manager, Dr. Bronners

"In 2019 I was in a car accident and felt I couldn't breathe correctly after the accident, but after breathwork with Aine my lungs re-opened and I was able to reach that spot that needed the breath and oxygen."

Cynthia A.

"Working with Aine has been such a blessing. Breathwork itself is the most transformational healing one can experience, but Aine takes it to an even higher level. Her soothing voice is a guide that connects you to your soul. Thank you Aine for being such a gift and for being instrumental in my healing journey!"

Tina Marie | Soul Guide, Breathwork Facilitator

"Having a pre-scheduled time to create space for myself with a group has been really special. These days, I personally find my success working with people that keep me accountable and having things pre-scheduled. So thank you! I’ve really enjoyed this."

Gil R.

"Transformational is the right word for the work. Throughout the session I felt like I was set free. I experienced a higher aspect of my identity. The clothes of a damaged ego were removed. I’m very grateful I was reintroduced to my spirit, and was reminded all my parts are welcome, and that I can welcome those parts by simply acknowledging how I am feeling."

Andrew D.

"I have done yoga, massage, Reiki, meditation and other relaxation exercises through the years but never Breathwork like this. I slept better and wasn't as irritable during the day. So grateful to work with Aine. I'm hooked!"

Jennifer A.

"Breathwork with Aine was a weekly date for myself to expand and explore my mind, body and soul. It helped me fuel my creativity, self-love, trust and healing journey and gave me a new language and framework for my self-care. I would definitely recommend working with Aine to others who want to tap into their most readily accessible life force."

Sara Marian

"At some point I just felt a powerful sense of "relax." My mind slowed down, and I felt the air streaming in the windows in the afternoon light. I had the sense that my anxious fussing wasn't necessary, and that I should trust a power bigger than myself."

Inge S.

"The breathwork was an integral part in my radiation treatment. The radiation technicians were very impressed by my ability to breathe deep and hold my breath consistently throughout my five weeks of treatment. One time there was a tech malfunction and I even was able to do treatment based on my embodied knowledge of my breath without the breathing guide. The breathwork sessions with Aine truly helped calm and ground me through radiation and I would especially recommend breathwork for anyone that is going to start radiation treatment because radiation therapy has such a strong emphasis on breathwork- you have to breathe deep and hold your breath during treatment. Thank you for such a powerful offering."

Barbara M.

"Aine supported me in having one of the most healing and transformative experiences I've had on my journey thus far. I have been in continuous awe of the sacred container and facilitation She leads. I am so so grateful!"

Emily Laskelle

"The first time I worked with Aine it was life changing. That first class was mystical. I could feel energy in parts of my body in a way I’ve never felt before. I was going through a very difficult time with my brother and we had a falling out. During our first session, I was overcome with a feeling of love and all the hurt feelings and anger towards my brother just fell away and I forgave. I was just able to let it all go. Another significant benefit from every Breathwork session is that any pain in my body disappears. I have cancer and a torn labrum in my hip that causes pain when I walk. Whenever I do Breathwork the pain goes away for a couple days! I can feel that by reducing inflammation (which is what cancer is), and letting go of negative energy/emotions that it’s healing my body including the cancer."

Kim Miller | Acupuncturist

"Just wow. I've participated in breathwork previously but none have gone as deep as with Aine. She creates powerful group cohesion with her presence, vulnerability, and thorough explanation and instructions made it easy for me to lay next to complete strangers and bawl my eyes out. I had huge emotional releases and almost like she could read my mind, I received support when I most needed."

Katelyn Colia | Spiritual Alchemy, Sexuality, Life Artistry

"While working with Aine, I learned to tap into and communicate my truth - as it pertained to my relationships, my passions, and my work. Together we were able to explore aspects of my personalities that were resisting moving forward in life, as well as lingering tendencies that were keeping me from expressing myself to the fullest. I would definitely recommend working with Aine because her insight and her experience has provided me with innumerable new ways to look at the challenges that I was grappling with. I learned through her humorous, encouraging, and gentle approach the power of befriending the parts of ourselves that we aren't keen to acknowledge."

Garret P.

"I am continuing to feel the waves, expansions and contractions from the energy released. I am so grateful for her support and encouragement to trust the breath to carry me to the other side of resistance into love. That is a gift that cannot be measured. I thank Aine for the work she’s doing in the world, and for the space she held so skillfully for me."

Angela S.