Moving with the Waves of Change

May 24, 2023
Moving with the Waves of Change

A few months ago I was on a ship riding through the infamous Drake Passage on my way to Antartica.

Imagine 30ft swells (three stories high) with 170 other humans wobbling around like toddlers hanging on to the backs of couches, railings, each other...attempting to stand upright.

Our ship was rockin' by the holy force of the high seas. And let's just say the barf bags were in high demand.

At first I was resistant to the force. The push and pull. Attempting to step forward while the waves pulled me back. I struggled.

But after a while, I decided I was done suffering in my rigidity and began to let my body sway with each step. I let my movements become soft and wavelike.

Instead of desperately gripping and clinging onto every surface I could get my hands on, I became one with the waves.

In doing so, my body naturally found its center point.

I flowed inside ferocity

I found strength in my surrender

And grounding in the groundless.

Collectively, we are moving through the waves of change. Our systems are cracking on the extractive and faulty, individualist foundations they were built.

With so much devastation...gun violence, war, social inequities, attempts to control female bodies, a global pandemic, melting ice-caps and ecological collapse...*whew.* Let's take a deep breath together.


We have an extraordinary opportunity to create a life affirming, just, and regenerative world together, because 'business as usual' is no longer an option.

But I get it. It can be hard not to shut down, turn off, go numb (sometimes tuning out is required to take care of ourselves). For the majority of our evolution as a species, we haven't had access to the world's problems with one click of a button. It's a lot to hold in your body and nervous system.

But the good news? Your HEART is BIG enough to hold it all. Truly.

Whatever you're going through, trust yourself to softly open into it. And let each drop of your human experience gently soak through the armor and protection.

Because when you can live from your heart like this, you have the power to not only heal yourself - but to heal the world.

Looking for guidance on your next steps? Schedule your FREE 90-minute clarity session. We’ll connect to your heart’s desires, get crystal clear on where you’re at + you’ll receive deeper coaching around any blocks, and walk away feeling super inspired with a roadmap forward that makes your soul sing!

If youā€™re desiring support to step into your next level of becoming, Iā€™d love to connect. Schedule your FREE 90-minute clarity session to get crystal on where youā€™re at, connect to your heartā€™s desires, receive deeper coaching around any blocks, and walk away feeling inspired with a roadmap towards your highest path forward.